1 – Liste des sources

2 – Liste des sources

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3 – Liste des sources (plus de 79 réf concernées dont :

  • Frouzakis, R., D.B. Herren, and M. Marks, Evaluation of expectations and expectation fulfillment in patients treated for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Am, 2015. 40(3): p. 483-90.
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  • Dremstrup, L., et al., Two-year results of the Moovis trapeziometacarpal joint arthroplasty with focus on early complications. J Hand Surg Eur Vol, 2021. 46(2): p. 131-140.

4 – Liste des sources

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  • Lane, J.C.E., et al., Low rate of subsequent surgery and serious complications following intra-articular steroid injection for base of thumb osteoarthritis: national cohort analysis. Rheumatology (Oxford), 2021. 60(9): p. 4262-4271.

5 – Liste des sources (plus de 145 réf. concernées dont) :

  • Lussiez, B., C. Falaise, and P. Ledoux, Dual mobility trapeziometacarpal prosthesis: a prospective study of 107 cases with a follow-up of more than 3 years. J Hand Surg Eur Vol, 2021. 46(9): p. 961-967.
  • Dremstrup, L., et al., Two-year results of the Moovis trapeziometacarpal joint arthroplasty with focus on early complications. J Hand Surg Eur Vol, 2021. 46(2): p. 131-140.
  • Pour les données trapézectomie, beaucoup de réf concernées (66)
  • Santos, C., et al., Surgical Treatment of Rhizarthrosis: Trapeziectomy with or without Ligamentoplasty Versus Total Prosthesis. Rev Bras Ortop, 2011. 46(1): p. 83-6.
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  • Caekebeke, P. and J. Duerinckx, Can surgical guidelines minimize complications after Maia(R) trapeziometacarpal joint arthroplasty with unconstrained cups? J Hand Surg Eur Vol, 2018. 43(4): p. 420-425.

6 – Liste des sources

  • Lane, J.C., et al., Low rates of serious complications and further procedures following surgery for base of thumb osteoarthritis: analysis of a national cohort of 43 076 surgeries. BMJ Open, 2021. 11(7): p. e045614

7 – Liste des sources

  • Société Française de Chirurgie de la Main (SFCM) : https://www.sfcm.fr/droit-au-titre-diu-de-chirurgie-de-la-main/

8 – Liste des sources

  • https://www.scansante.fr/mco-actes-ccam-par-etablissements/open-ccam-2021

9 – Liste des sources

  • A. Tchurukdichian., D. Guillier., V. Moris., LA. See., Y. Macheboeuf, Results of Ivory® prostheses for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis with a minimum follow-up of 10 years. Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) 2020, vol 45(5) 458-464.
  • Uncemented t/M. Ferrero., Ten-year long term results of total joint arthroplasties with ARPE® implant in the tratment of trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis, Journal of Hand Surgery (European volume) 2014, vol 39(8) 826-32
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10 – Liste des sources

  • Résultats de l’enquête « STOP ARTHROSE II » entre Septembre 2019 et Janvier 2021 – AFLAR https://www.aflar.org/2022/02/02/resultats-de-lenquete-stop-arthrose-2021